• Abstract.
• Introduction to biometrics.
• Types of biometrics.
• Biometrics Fingerprint
• Biometrics Face Recognition
• Biometric Iris Scanning
• Biometric Retinal Scanning
• Biometric Hand Scanning
• Vascular Patterns Biometrics
• DNA Matching
4. Advantages of biometrics.
5. Applications of biometrics.
6. Conclusion
7. Bibliography.
In this paper we presented about the biometrics system which provide security in many phases.
In this paper we identified:
• What is biometric?
The word "biometrics" is derived from the Greek words 'bios' and 'metric'; which means life and measurement respectively. This directly translates into "life measurement".
• Types of biometrics.
There are basically two types of biometrics:
• Behavioral biometrics: Behavioral biometrics basically measures the characteristics which are acquired naturally over a time.
• Physical biometrics : Physical biometrics measures the inherent physical characteristics on an individual. It can be used for either identification or verification
• Uses of each biometric system in different fields.
• Advantages of biometrics.
• Applications of biometrics.
• Conclusion.
Biometric definition is best explained by understanding its nomenclature
The word "biometrics" is derived from the Greek words 'bios' and 'metric'; which means life and measurement respectively. This directly translates into "life measurement".
General science has included biometrics as a field of statistical development since the early twentieth century. A very good example is the statistical analysis of data from agricultural field experiments comparing the yields of different varieties of wheat. In this way, science is taking a life measurement of the agriculture to ultimately determine more efficient methods of growth. Biometrics technologies measure a particular set of a person's vital statistics in order to determine identity.
In the most contemporary computer science applications, the term "life measurement" adapts a slightly different role. Biometrics in the high technology sector refers to a particular class of identification technologies. These technologies use an individual's unique biological traits to determine one's identity. The traits that are considered include fingerprints, retina and iris patterns, facial characteristics and many more.
Types of biometrics
There are basically two types of biometrics:
1 . Behavioral biometrics
2 . Physical biometrics
Behavioral biometric definition :
Behavioral biometrics basically measures the characteristics which are acquired naturally over a time. It is generally used for verification.
Examples of behavioral biometrics include:
• Speaker Recognition - analyzing vocal behavior
• Signature - analyzing signature dynamics
• Keystroke - measuring the time spacing of typed words
Physical biometric definition :
Physical biometrics measures the inherent physical characteristics on an individual. It can be used for either identification or verification.
Examples of physical biometrics include:
• Bertillonage - measuring body lengths (no longer used)
• Fingerprint - analyzing fingertip patterns
• Facial Recognition - measuring facial characteristics
• Hand Geometry - measuring the shape of the hand
• Iris Scan - analyzing features of colored ring of the eye
• Retinal Scan - analyzing blood vessels in the eye
• Vascular Patterns - analyzing vein patterns
• DNA - analyzing genetic makeup
Bertillonage Biometrics : Measuring Body Lengths
Bertillonage biometrics was a late 19th century method of identifying individuals by the use of multiple bodily measurements. Bertillonage biometrics is no longer used.
Bertillonage Biometrics – Process
An individual is required to go through a 20-60 minute measuring exam where they would have various body measurements taken. These measurements would ideally include the height, length, and breadth of the head, the length of different fingers, the length of forearms, etc. The results obtained were then recorded and/or compared to a record database. Though all this was done by hand, the record filing and checking system was quite fast for its time. (Remember we are talking about the 19th century!)
Evaluation Results for bertillonage biometrics: Predicted to be accurate at 286,435,456 to 1 allowing for possible (and eventually proven) duplicates, human error in measuring contributed to a smaller effective accuracy. Non-unique measurements allowed for multiple people to have the same results, reducing the usefulness of this method. Also, the time involved to measure a subject was prohibitive for uses other than prison records.
Biometrics Fingerprint
Basics of Biometrics Fingerprint: To understand what "fingerprinting" is, before we start on with biometrics fingerprint technology. Fingerprinting basically means to take an image (either using ink or a digital scan) of an individual's fingertips and then store or records its characteristics.
The whorls, arches, and loops are what make up this characteristic of a fingertip. These are recorded along with the patterns of ridges, furrows, and minutiae. This information may then be processed or stored as an image or as an encoded computer algorithm to be compared with other fingerprint records. In the digital arena, the software will map the minutiae points in relative placement on the fingertip and then will search for similar minutiae information in the database.
Often an algorithm is used for biometrics fingerprint systems. This algorithm will encode the information into a character string that can be searched for in the database, improving search time. In most cases no image of the fingerprint is actually created, only a set of data that can be used for comparison.
This method was meant to alleviate the public's fear of their biometrics fingerprint being recorded or stolen, but most people still do not understand or believe the actual method used.
Biometrics Fingerprint Technology - The Process
The user places his finger against a small biometrics fingerprint reader (or biometrics fingerprint scanner) surface (optical or silicon) usually of about 2 inch square size. This biometrics fingerprint reader is attached to a computer and takes the information from the scan and sends it to the database. There it is compared to the information stored within. The user is usually required to leave his finger on the reader for less than 5 seconds during which time the identification or verification takes place.
To prevent fake fingers from being used, many biometrics fingerprint systems also measure blood flow, or check for correctly arrayed ridges at the edges of the fingers.
Use of biometrics fingerprint systems:
The technology was used in criminal investigations for over 100 years, and used as far back as the 14th century for identification purposes, fingerprint usage continues to expand every day.
Fingerprint scanning secure entry devices for building door locks and computer network access are becoming more common as each day passes. Recently a small number of banks and financial organizations have begun using fingerprint readers for authorization at ATMs and grocery stores are experimenting with a fingerprint scan checkout that automatically recognizes and bills a registered user's credit card or debit account. The potential uses for this biometric appear to be limited only by the willingness of people to use it.
Biometric Facial Recognition
Basics of biometric facial recognition:
Biometric Facial recognition analyzes the characteristics of an individual's face images captured through a digital video camera. It records the overall facial structure, including distances between eyes, nose, mouth, and jaw edges. These measurements are stored in a database and used as a comparison when a user stands before the camera.
Biometric facial recognition has been widely, touted as a fantastic system for recognizing potential threats (whether terrorists, scam artists, or known criminals) but so far it has been unproven in high-level usage. It is currently used in verification only systems with a good deal of success.
Biometric Facial Recognition - The Process:
User faces the camera, standing about two feet from it. The system will locate the user's face and perform matches against the claimed identity on the facial database. It is possible that the user may need to move and reattempt the verification based on his facial position. The system usually gives a decision in less than 5 seconds.
To prevent a fake face or mold from faking out the system, many systems now require the user to smile, blink, or otherwise move in a way that is human before verifying.
Use of biometric facial recognition systems:
Biometric facial recognition systems are currently gaining support as a potential tool for averting terrorist crimes, biometrics facial recognition is already in use in many law enforcement areas. Softwares have also been developed for computer networks and automated bank tellers that use facial biometrics for user verification purposes.
Biometric Iris Scanning
Basics of biometric iris scanning:
Iris scanning analyzes the features that exist in the colored tissues surrounding the pupil which has more than 200 points that can be used for comparison, including rings, furrows and freckles. The scans use a regular video camera and can be done from further away than a retinal scan. It will work perfectly fine through glasses and in fact has the ability to create an accurate enough measurement that it can be used for identification purposes, and not just verification.
Biometric Iris Scanning - The Process:
The person aligns himself so that he is able to see his own eye's reflection in the iris scanning device. The user may be able to do this from up to 2 feet away or may need to be as close as a couple of inches depending on the device. Verification time is generally less than 5 seconds, though the user will only need to look into the device for a couple moments.
To prevent a fake eye from being used to fool the iris scanning systems, iris scanners may vary the light shone into the eye and watch for pupil dilation also.
Use of iris scanning systems:
Law enforcement agencies in the United States began using it in 1994 when the Lancaster County Prison in Pennsylvania became the first correctional facility to employ the technology for prisoner identification. In Berkshire County , the technology is used in the newly built Berkshire County Jail as a security check for employees. The Charlotte/Douglas International Airport in North Carolina and the Flughafen Frankfort Airport in Germany allow frequent passengers to register their iris scans in an effort to streamline boarding procedures. There is discussion that banks may someday make iris scans a routine part of ATM transactions and some have begun taking the first steps in testing out these systems.
The use of iris scans as part of the booking procedure along with fingerprints is just beginning to come into existence. Police stations around the country have been looking into the technology and some, including the Barnstable County jail in Massachusetts which put in a system in early 2002. The power of this biometric may make it rival fingerprints for booking situations where identification and verification are vital.
Retinal Biometrics
Basics of Retinal Biometrics:
Biometrics involves the scanning of retina and analyzing the layer of blood vessels at the back of the eye. Retinal scanning involves using a low-intensity light source and an optical coupler and can read the patterns at a great level of accuracy. It does require the user to remove glasses, place their eye close to the device, and focus on a certain point. Whether the accuracy can outweigh the public discomfort is yet to be seen.
Retinal Biometrics - The Process:
The user looks through a small opening in the retinal biometrics device at a small green light. The user must keep their head still and eye focused on the light for several seconds during which time the device will verify his identity. This process takes about 10 to 15 seconds total.
There is no known way to replicate a retina, and a retina from a dead person would deteriorate too fast to be useful, so no extra precautions have been taken with retinal scans to be sure the user is a living human being.
Use of retinal biometrics systems:
Contrary to popular public misconceptions, and as shown in the movies, retina scan is used almost exclusively in high-end security applications. It is used for controlling access to areas or rooms in military installations, power plants, and the like that are considered high risk security areas.
Biometric Hand Scanning
Basics of Hand Scanning:
Hand scanning involves the measurement and analysis of the shape of one's hand. It is a fairly straight forward procedure and is surprisingly accurate. Though it requires special hardware to use, it can be easily integrated into other devices or systems.
Unlike fingerprints, the human hand isn't unique. Individual hand features are not descriptive enough for identification. However, it is possible to devise a method by combining various individual features and measurements of fingers and hands for verification purposes.
Biometric Hand Scanning-The Process:
The user places the palm of his hand on a metal surface which has guidance pegs on it. The hand is then properly aligned by the pegs so the device can read the hand attributes. The device then checks its database for verification of the user. The process usually takes less than 5 seconds.
While it seems like it could be added to the systems, current biometric palm scanners or hand scanners do not have any way to detect whether a hand is living or not and therefore can be fooled by a fake hand if pressure is applied to the plate correctly.
Use of biometric hand scanners systems:
Biometric hand scanning systems are employed at over 8,000 locations including the Colombian legislatures, San Francisco International Airport, day care centers, a sperm bank, welfare agencies, hospitals, and immigration facilities for the INSPASS frequent international traveler system.
Vascular Patterns Biometrics
Basics of Vascular Patterns Biometrics:
Vascular pattern biometrics technology involves measuring the characteristics related to the veins in a person's hand or face. The thickness and location of these veins are believed to be unique enough to an individual to be used to verify a person's identity.
Vascular Patterns Biometrics - The Process:
The most common form of vascular patterns readers are hand-based, requiring the user to place their hand on a curved reader that takes an infrared scan. This scan creates a picture that can then be compared to a database to verify the user's stated identity.
Use of vascular patterns biometrics systems:
Vascular patterns biometrics technology is still fairly new and there are few published details about it, indicating its use. Though minimally used at the moment, vascular patterns scanners can be found in testing at major military installations and is being considered by some established companies in the security industry and multi-outlet retailers. Currently it is still building acceptance.
DNA Matching: Comparing personal barcodes
DNA Matching involves proving that a suspect's DNA matches a sample left at the scene of a crime. This type of biometrics technology requires two things:
• Creating a DNA profile using basic molecular biology protocols
• Crunching numbers and applying the principles of population genetics to prove a match mathematically
DNA: Your Own Personal Barcode?
Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes containing the DNA blueprint that encodes all the materials needed to make up your body as well as the instructions for how to run it. One member of each chromosomal pair comes from your mother, and the other is contributed by your father.
Every cell in your body contains a copy of this DNA. While the majority of DNA doesn't differ from human to human, some 3 million base pairs of DNA (about 0.10 percent of your entire genome) vary from person to person.
The key to DNA matching evidence lies in comparing the DNA left at the scene of a crime with a suspect's DNA in these chromosomal regions that do differ.
Advantages of Biometrics
• Increase security -Provide a convenient and low-cost additional tier of security.
• Reduce fraud by employing hard- to- forge technologies and materials. For e.g. Minimize the opportunity for ID fraud, buddy punching
• Eliminate problems caused by lost IDs or forgotten passwords by using physiological attributes. For e.g. prevent unauthorized use of lost, stolen or "borrowed" ID cards.
• Reduce password administration costs.
• Replace hard-to-remember passwords which may be shared or observed.
• Integrate a wide range of biometric solutions and technologies, customer applications and databases into a robust and scalable control solution for facility and network access.
• Make it possible, automatically, to know WHO did WHAT, WHERE and WHEN!
• Offer significant cost savings or increasing ROI in areas such as Loss Prevention or Time & Attendance.
• Unequivocally link an individual to a transaction or event.
Applications of Biometrics
• Biometric Time Clocks or Biometric time and attendance systems, which are being increasingly used in various organizations to control employee timekeeping.
• Biometric safes and biometric locks, provides security to the homeowners.
• Biometric access control systems, providing strong security at entrances.
• Biometric systems are also developed for securing access to pc's and providing single logon facilities.
• Wireless biometrics for high end security and providing safer transactions from wireless devices like PDA's, etc.
• Applications of biometrics technology in identifying DNA patterns for identifying criminals, etc.
• Biometrics airport security devices are also deployed at some of the world's famous airports to enhance the security standards.
Biometrics can only be limited by limiting one's imagination. Biometric technology is now being used in almost every area. Not only that, but various types of biometric systems are being used to achieve various functionalities.
We have short listed a few highly popular applications of biometrics technology. Although this list is no way complete it is simply an effort to list a few of the more popular biometric applications.
The word Biometrics is used today to refer a technology that is used for identification of individuals through their physiological or behavioral characteristic by using our body genealogy that makes us who we are for e.g. hand and finger geometry, fingerprint, and facial recognition to name a few. Biometric readers in India may be used in the creation of driving licenses, passports, election cards, etc.
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